3 Things That Should Be Overlooked When Building A New Shed In The Backyard

Hi there, my name is Angela Baker. I've always been interested in all sorts of topics, one of them being manufacturing and how to make more with less. New manufacturing techniques are always being developed that allow for products to be created with the fewest resources possible. This is something that has always fascinated me and I have spent a lot of time researching these new techniques. But I always like to feel like I'm doing something constructive, so I decided to start writing blog posts based on the exciting things I have discovered about lean manufacturing and many other topics.

3 Things That Should Be Overlooked When Building A New Shed In The Backyard

3 Things That Should Be Overlooked When Building A New Shed In The Backyard

26 August 2018
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Building a shed in the yard is an excellent way to create additional safe storage space for your tools and accessories. Here are a few things that you shouldn't overlooked when planning the new shed you will be building:

Windows and Screens

You may not think that your shed will need windows if you only plan to store things and don't plan to actually spend time inside of it. But over time, the things being stored inside your shed could start to break down or even malfunction due to mold and moisture buildup. Installing at least one window and screen in your shed will allow you to create and maintain air flow throughout the year so it never gets too stuffy or wet inside.

You might keep the window closed much of the year, but you'll appreciate the opportunity to open it up when it's especially hot or muggy outside. The window can help keep things comfortable while your in the shed organizing things or making repairs too.

Gutters and Downspouts

While your shed likely won't require a lot of roofing for complete overhead protection, the little bit of roofing you do install can create havoc on your yard and landscape if it rains and gutters and downspouts aren't incorporated into your overall building design. Even light rains can cause flooding around your shed, which can ruin the grass and any flowers, shrubs, and other foliage that's growing in the yard.

And heavier rains could actually result in a flooded shed without the support of gutters and downspouts. So, make sure that the entirety of your shed's roof is fitted with properly sized gutters and at least one downspout that will help direct water away from the shed structure whenever it rains. Gutters and downspouts come in a variety of colors, so you should be able to camouflage them so they aren't visually noticeable when looking at your new shed.

Hurricane Fasteners

One of the most important things not to be overlooked when building your new backyard shed are hurricane fasteners. Even if you never experience hurricanes in your area, the fasteners will help secure your small shed and ensure that it doesn't end up falling over in a tornado or serious thunder and rain storm.

Overall, hurricane fasteners will strengthen the structure so it holds up better to the wear and tear of outdoor weather mild and severe. They're inexpensive, and easy to attach to shed structures so using them shouldn't negatively impact your time or budget constraints.

About Me
Making Everything Count When Making Anything

Hi there, my name is Angela Baker. I've always been interested in all sorts of topics, one of them being manufacturing and how to make more with less. New manufacturing techniques are always being developed that allow for products to be created with the fewest resources possible. This is something that has always fascinated me and I have spent a lot of time researching these new techniques. But I always like to feel like I'm doing something constructive, so I decided to start writing blog posts based on the exciting things I have discovered about lean manufacturing and many other topics.
