Suzanne Matthews

Hi there, my name is Angela Baker. I've always been interested in all sorts of topics, one of them being manufacturing and how to make more with less. New manufacturing techniques are always being developed that allow for products to be created with the fewest resources possible. This is something that has always fascinated me and I have spent a lot of time researching these new techniques. But I always like to feel like I'm doing something constructive, so I decided to start writing blog posts based on the exciting things I have discovered about lean manufacturing and many other topics.

Suzanne Matthews

Working With Hydraulic Specialists To Ensure Your Machine Repairs Are Done Right

23 May 2023
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Replacing the hydraulic cylinders on your heavy equipment and machines can be costly. However, locating a hydraulic cylinder repair shop that can clean, repair, and rebuild them can save you money, and most shops can turn around the repairs quickly.  Locating A Repair Shop Hydraulic systems are used in many different ways, and finding a shop that can repair or rebuild your hydraulic cylinders, pumps, and valves is essential. A hydraulic cylinder repair shop or machine shop has the tools and knowledge to take your components, disassemble and inspect them, then make any repairs necessary to ensure the cylinders and other parts are working correctly.
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Aerospace Cranes — Manufacturing Advice Worth Looking Over

22 February 2023
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

The aerospace industry is reliant on a lot of important machines, but cranes are some of the most important because of how much weight they can support. If you need to have one of these cranes manufactured for your aerospace operations, here are some suggestions to consider. Start With Sound Designs To start the manufacturing process off on a positive note for an aerospace crane, take your time to come up with sound designs.
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Why Upgrade Your Food Processing With A High-Performance Spiral Freezer System?

13 December 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Upgrading your food processing operation with a high-performance spiral freezer system is an excellent way to ensure you get the most out of your food processing system. A spiral freezer lets you quickly freeze large volumes of food products while maintaining consistent temperatures throughout the freezing process. The unique design of the spiral freezer allows for maximum product exposure to colder temperatures, resulting in faster freezing times. Keep reading to learn four reasons to upgrade your food processing with a spiral freezer system.
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Here’s What To Consider When Choosing Freight Distribution Solutions

21 July 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Hiring the right distribution company for your goods is crucial for smooth business operations. They'll ensure safe handling of goods, avoid delays, and comply with regulations. Making the correct choice also helps minimize operational costs, which is crucial to profit realization in business activities. On the other hand, making a wrong decision can be detrimental to your company, causing delays and customer complaints, trouble with law enforcement, and damage to goods.
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Why You Should Use Rotary Tables In Your Metal Work

8 June 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

When doing metal work activities in your company, precision and accuracy is key to getting the perfect end product. It also saves time and ensures productivity. One of the best ways to achieve that is using a rotary table. It is disc-shaped equipment used for precision metal work activities. It has a solid table that rotates freely using a hand crank. Rotary tables have axis motion, brakes, multiple spindle position encoders, and programmable controlling that ensures accuracy when machining metals.
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About Me
Making Everything Count When Making Anything

Hi there, my name is Angela Baker. I've always been interested in all sorts of topics, one of them being manufacturing and how to make more with less. New manufacturing techniques are always being developed that allow for products to be created with the fewest resources possible. This is something that has always fascinated me and I have spent a lot of time researching these new techniques. But I always like to feel like I'm doing something constructive, so I decided to start writing blog posts based on the exciting things I have discovered about lean manufacturing and many other topics.
